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Tips for Safer Real Estate Transactions

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues affecting almost every aspect of our lives — we still must find a way to continue doing business, especially in the real estate industry. The ways in which real estate has been affected by the pandemic have been unpredictable. Many home buyers have decided to postpone their search until life returns to normal, while many sellers facing job losses are inclined to lower their prices. Office and commercial real estate have all but grinded to a halt, while certain manufacturers' businesses are booming. In short, the real estate market didn’t so much as stop, it transformed. 

So while other industries may be waiting for a nationwide economic recovery, real estate continues. In the midst of the continuing impact of the Coronavirus, real estate agents must implement COVID-safe practices to keep themselves, and their clients, protected. 

With that in mind, let’s talk about tips for safer real estate transactions. 

Work Remotely

Offices everywhere have closed, at least temporarily. And for good reason — indoor contact is one of the leading causes of COVID-19 transmission. If possible, have your entire staff work remotely from home. Ask your IT specialist to get your listing software set up in employees’ homes. And after awhile, you might notice that you don’t actually need an office to conduct your business, reducing your overhead in the long run. 


Film Virtual Tours

If you haven’t invested your time and energy in producing quality 3-D virtual tours of your properties — now’s as good a time as any. A virtual tour filmed with professional equipment can give potential buyers and renters an in-depth look at your property, without having to meet in person. By seeing up close details of the home, office or warehouse space, you’ll also be able to weed out some clients who aren’t interested in the property, which is a great time saver.  


Keep Safe Distances

This one might seem obvious, but it’s also one of the most important coronavirus real estate tips on our list. You’ll need to keep a safe distance from everyone you come into contact with on a daily basis. This may include your potential clients, additional agents, inspectors and maintenance workers. You’ll have to drive separately, stay six feet apart at all times, and make sure everyone is wearing a mask. And when you do show a property, it may be a good idea to either stay in a separate room from your clients or stay outside altogether. Your clients might actually prefer these private viewings.  

Disinfect after Showings

Clients need to trust their real estate agents, especially when it comes to their own health and safety. Be sure to spray down all your property’s surfaces with a strong disinfectant after each showing, because the last thing your business needs is the negative publicity of an outbreak. 

Paperless Real Estate Transactions

One of the simplest ways to protect yourself and your clients from COVID-19 is to go completely paperless for all your closing transactions. Using a secured eSignature platform such as OP.Sign is an excellent way to scan, send and receive sensitive documents, so all your interactions with your clients can be done virtually, protecting you both. 

With OP.Sign’s easy-to-use app, you can take care of all signatures, transfer all financial documents, and pass along all important information directly through your mobile device, and all backed up by state-of-the-art cybersecurity. If you’d like to create a paperless real estate office with OP.Sign, download the app on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, or simply visit 

We hope you’ve found these COVID-safe real estate tips useful. Good luck out there, and have a safe and successful 2021!

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