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How OP.Sign Integrates with Your board

Thanks to our recent partnership with, you can now integrate OP.Sign to your Monday board, to scan, send, receive and secure all of your most important documents at the click of a button. The partnership is the result of OP.Sign winning the App Challenge, beating out fierce competition from several of the most innovative platforms on the market. 

Helping Every Business Go Paperless

With this new partnership, we’re excited to deliver our paperless solution to businesses of any size. From construction companies to law firms, real estate agencies to accounting firms, businesses across several industries can take advantage of our easy-to-use eSignature software, accessed directly from the company’s Monday board. 


To help you get started, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to integrate OP.Sign into your business’ daily operations on 

Step 1: Integration

Your first step will be to locate the OP.Sign integration on your board. First, go to the integrations icon on the homepage, displayed as an electric plug at the top right corner of the screen. Type OP.Sign in the search box, your first result should read ‘Send to Sign’, click that to begin. 


Step 2: Formulas

Next, you’ll want to choose from four available formulas, two triggered by status changes, and two based on periodic triggers. 

  • Status Change Triggered Formulas: These are for automatically sending documents once the status field has been changed to a predetermined phrase, such as ‘Ready to Send’.

  • Periodic Triggered Formulas: These formulas are for sending documents at a predetermined time, (for example: every week, month, day, hour, etc). 

Then, select your preference for how you’d like your documents to be sent. You have the choice of either attaching documents to the board, or linked from your cloud drive. 


Step 3: Connect

Once you’ve integrated the app and selected your formulas, it’s time to connect OP.Sign to your Monday account. You will be automatically directed to the OP.Sign login page, where you can sign in with the account you’d like to associate with If you don’t have an account yet, you can simply create one!

Step 4: Configure

Back on your Monday board, you can now begin configuring your formulas. These are the fields you can configure: 

  • Status: This is the current status concerning the documents involved for sending. You can assign several different statuses corresponding to different actions, these could include labels such as ‘Send for Signature’, ‘Stuck’, ‘Signed’, ‘Failed to Sign’. The exact phrasing you choose to use is up to you — just make sure it makes sense to your staff. 

  • Document: This is where you can directly upload the document you’d like to get signed. 

  • Link: This is where linked docs will live, using either Dropbox files, Google Drive, OneDrive or a cloud storage link. When using any of these, make sure the recipient has the proper permissions to access the files. 

  • Signed Doc: Once the document is signed, it will automatically be accessible in this field for retrieval and usage. This field will also contain progress messages from OP.Sign while the process runs.

  • Email: This is where you enter the destination email address of the person you’ll send the document to sign. 


Step 5: The Process

When you’re ready to start uploading and sending documents, the process is easy and intuitive. Start by creating a new task, and entering the appropriate information about the project in the blank fields. Place the document or link you’d like to get signed into the ‘Document’ or ‘Link’ fields, respectively. Once you select the ‘Send for Signature’ button, OP.Sign will send the document immediately eSignature, through the mobile app or web interface. The recipient will receive the doc, and once signed, OP.Sign will automatically update the status to ‘Signed’ or ‘Successful’ and move the document into the ‘Signed Document’ field, which your employees are free to access. Note: The recipient also has the ability to request to revise the document before they sign, and OP.Sign will update this automatically. 


Step 6: Get to Work! 

That’s it, you now have everything you need to integrate OP.Sign to your Monday board. To help you get started, download the OP.Sign app on the Monday App Marketplace page. And if you have any issues, feel free to access our Status and Error Messages Page on our website, where you can find answers to potential questions you may have. 

We hope you’ve enjoyed this introductory guide to the OP.Sign/Monday integration. If you’d like to take your business paperless, with the simplest, easiest and most secure eSignature platform on the market, download our app today on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.


Happy sending!

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