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How eSign Benefits Your Accounting Firm

Tax season is finally upon us! And with this year’s one-month extension from the IRS, if you own a tax accounting firm, you’re probably breathing a much-deserved sigh of relief. Instead of the usual 18-hour marathon tax prep sessions, you can use this time to do an audit of your own internal workings, to find areas of improvement and better ways to streamline your processes. 


And one of the best ways to do that is by implementing an eSignature platform into your firms’ day-to-day operations. eSign is one of the easiest and most cost-effective accounting tools out there. And with a multitude of benefits for your staff as well as your clients, eSign is the perfect addition to your company. Let’s take a look at some of those benefits. 


Faster Accounting Processes 

A good eSignature platform delivers multiple features that can streamline your accounting processes. For instance, instead of having to print multiple copies of a particular form, you can create a template of that form for easy and quick access later. And in place of your clients having to sign countless tax documents, eSignature allows them to copy and paste their signature for endless usage. The biggest time-saver is the fact that your clients don’t even have to come into your office to take care of their tax documents — it can all be handled online. 

Streamlined Internal Communications

If you work for a larger accounting firm, you need several different departments interacting with each other fluidly and seamlessly. But with the influx of clients that come with the busy season, sets of documents can easily get caught in a bottleneck, stuck in one department for as many as a few days. And when time is precious — that can be an eternity. But with eSignature, all your important documents are stored online, allowing for smooth transferring throughout your office. 


Less Response Time from Clients

Another source of inefficiency in the accounting industry comes from the clients themselves. Even though you work as hard and as fast as you can to serve your clients, they can sometimes hold up the process by lagging when it comes to signing their required tax documents. That’s where eSignature comes in — by sending documents for signature directly to their email, clients are more likely to sign immediately, allowing you to get on with your job. 

Saving Paper

As we move to a greener, more environmentally friendly world, businesses in all industries are following suit. eSignature allows your accounting firm to go fully paperless, not only saving you money for all that copying you normally do, but also helping promote a brand image as a modern, cutting-edge company.  

Advanced Security

As an accountant, you know how important your clients’ personal financial information is. And they do, too — that’s why data security is a paramount consideration for establishing their trust in your firm. A trustworthy eSignature platform, such as OP.Sign, delivers state-of-the-art encryption and advanced cybersecurity, to give you and your clients peace of mind. 

Created by the team that developed the first antivirus software for mobile devices, OP.Sign lets you scan, send, sign and receive your most important documents, safely and instantaneously. With low and no-cost plans available, OP.Sign is the best accounting tool for small businesses out there. To get started, visit, or download their app on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

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